








"Morning, Mikoto."


"You sound tired."

"So are you."

"I worked through the whole night. What about you?"

"...as if you didn't know."

"I'd rather not, actually. Give my regards to Munakata, by the way. Is he off today? "

"Listen, I had that dream again, and..."

"No, you listen. Mikoto. I know what you are about to say. And my answer is a big NO. It always is. I'm not gonna allow it to happen."


"Hey, how about this, Mikoto? Just stop your ridiculous illusion about those so-called urban legends, and I will try my best to arrange some secret vacation for you, I mean, a vacation without any paparazzi? No later than next month. Think about Munakata, you've been pissing him off all the time, right? Have a good time with him, he would be happy with that, I'm sure."

"...you don't understand, Kusanagi."

"Don't make me say such a thing again and again. Mikoto. There is NO sword in the sky, nor any mysterious slate. A dream is a dream. You are not gonna die until you make all the money that I spend on you back. All of them. And you know that will take a long time. You made too many troubles for me during these wonderful years."

"...sorry about that."

"Don't apologize when you don't really mean to."


"Yes? Say something I don't know, please. I'm tired. Really tired. Yata-chan fought with Fushimi in another variety show, just like the old days."

"Kusanagi, I make this call to tell you that I have to leave."

"You kidding."

"You told me to stay away from Munakata, right?"

"Yep, since the day you met him. And you never took my advice. Why?"

"I think you are right."


"But it's too late."

"...wait, Mikoto, I...I don't understand."

"You don't have to. I just want you to know that...for years, the dream just always stops at the moment that I saw the sword coming all the way down upon me, but last night..."

"You slept with a cop?"

"...are you jealous or something?"

"No, I prefer younger ones."

"You better do. I'm telling you...that dream went on. Finally."

"...okay...what did you see then?"

"I saw the one who killed me in the end."

"Wow, that's...not a pleasant experience. Someone you know?"


"Let me guess, I know that one, too? That's why you are calling me."

"No, I'm just informing you that I'm gonna quit the job."

"You bastard, do you have any idea that how much you owe me up to now?"

"Then let me go before you lose more."

"Look, I really don't wanna say this but, uhh, is the 'someone' in your bed now?"

"Ah, actually I was in his bed a moment ago..."

"Don't tell me the details please."

"And he's back from the bathroom now..."

"That's also a detail, dear."


"Here's the thing, Mikoto. I told you before, remember? You can fuck anyone you like, I don't care. As your boss I can handle all the bullshit you made as long as you know what your life should be like."


"Just DON'T get yourself really involved, please. That's..."

"I don't think I have time for that, Kusanagi."


"The sword...and the slate, and all the other shit, they're about to come."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not the only one who saw that. Munakata...he had the same dream, too. In his point of view, of course."


"He knew what would happen, and that's why he got in touch with me. That's not an easy business to do, you know."

"But...isn't that weird? He got close to someone he's going to kill...if he had told the truth, I mean."

"Sure it is. Isn't it? Haha."

"That's not funny. What did I say? Keep distance from him."

"He asked me if I would like to go to Deutschland to see the slate."

"What?! That's crazy, you can't just go with someone who...Say no to him!"

"Well, I would rather not."

"Suoh Mikoto!! This is not a joke, I'm warning you..."

"I'm listening."

"......say NO to Munakata Reishi, please. Don't go anywhere."

"Sorry. Kusanagi."


"There is no turning back."

"There sure is! Come back to us...we need you."

"I'm sorry. I mean it this time."

"That's not what I wanna hear, Mi..."

"Thank you for everything you've done for me. I truely owe you a lot, Kusanagi."

"Please Mikoto, you always have a choice, don't..."

"Here's my GOODBYE."

"Wait! Mikoto--"




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